“The Arabic word “Islam” means “submission” and it derives from a word meaning “peace”. In a religious context it means complete submission to the will of Allah.” So, how can a religion so devoted to God be violent and go against his will? That’s right…it can’t. Islam is often associated with violence due to of the events of 9/11. The events of September 11th set a reputation on Islam and people choose to follow it. I say ‘set’ because it was created from ignorance, it isn’t the truth. Nothing Muhammad said or what is written in the Qur’an justifies the events of September 11th. The terrorist who say they acted in the name of Islam are extremists. They do not follow the religious practices of Islam because if they did, they would not have gone through with their attacks. Islam is a religion like any other, a religion of peace. Terrorist would not be classified as religious people, they can’t be, they’re mischief makers, and as the Qur’an outlined:
“God does not love mischief makers.” (
But, what is mischief? And why doesn’t Allah love those who go about it? We came to the conclusion that mischief consists of all forms of violence that interrupts peace and security, this includes terrorism. Terrorism is the act of killing innocent people for representing the higher status (or so, said through the eyes of a terrorist). A Muslim, however, is held responsible to treat all people, alike to them or not, with goodness and fairness from the values of the Qur’an. There is no way a terrorist can say that they are doing what Allah has told them to, Jasmine will further get into this with direct quotes from the Qur’an. It should back up anything I have said.
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